Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Riding Generic Waves

The feeling of knowing that I will die sooner than most is a little nerve-wrecking and stressful. I need to do more in a shorter period of time. This illness crap is really not doing a favor when it comes to my whole "living versus existing" theory...

College is okay, I guess. I love my field and that is all that matters, right? I have been doing so much so forgive me for my lack of blogging. Most of what I am doing, my readers will probably find out in the near future.

It is not that I do not wish to settle down, it's more of I cannot- it is simply not possible for me to settle. I need to be constantly on the move; improving, exploring the world, finding meaning for my soul in this universe, all of that jazz... I cannot help but sometimes think that I do not really have a "meaning". 

I cannot help but sometimes think I have no choice but to go with the flow... to ride the generic wave that everyone is riding. Just the thought of that, the thought that I am sometimes NOT flowing AGAINST the current scares me. It depresses me to see people who have a passion but are doing something totally against it in order to ride the generic current (what society accepts). I have no respect for these people, as they are weak and look for the easy way out. After all, it is more difficult to ride against ANY current than to ride through one that everyone else seems to be riding as well.

I am not trying to waste time for myself doing shit that others would want me to do. This thought process is what has, quite honestly, kept me from taking my life. I strive to always take the more difficult route than to go by the common one. Not going to lie at all, this type of lifestyle and thinking is what allows me to differentiate myself from others. It is what I reckon myself. 

Bottom line- I will never be caught riding a generic wave.