Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Key to Happiness

I don’t care for fancy things. All I need is a solid soul and the blood I bleed.

I don’t have any “wants” nor do I have any “needs.” All I have is myself.

Only I can bring myself to pure bliss and where I will be truly happy. Happiness is the key which people lose when trying to unlock the mysteries of their own life.

Many who fail out of this test of life immediately are those who are holding the wrong key in the first place; these people have materialistic views of happiness such as, foreign cars, multi-million dollar mansions, private planes, boats, the point is pretty clear- any material thing- including a social status. These people are fools.

The others who fail the test are the ones who suffer while trying so hard to unlock the incorrect door with the correct key. These people tend to try a little bit too hard to maintain happiness, they brag about having the correct “key”, or idea of happiness, and then when they try to unlock the door to TRUE happiness, they fail. After failing to do so, they use every possible excuse in the book to make it seem to themselves as though it’s just a door jam and not that it is the wrong door altogether. They float towards happiness like aimless bugs towards light during the night, trying to catch every excuse for the “true happiness” which they will never see. 

Unfortunately, the light is never good for them and they continue trying to find happiness in every little thing which comes their way. These people are fools as well.

There are also the idiots who do not think before moving on to the next door. They hold the correct key in their hand, and they try to open the CORRECT door with it but they fail to do so because they’re rushing to find happiness to the point of desperation. Without relaxing and evaluating the situation and trying to go about turning the key another way, they walk away completely… forever in loss of the happiness that was just behind a door which they carelessly gave up on opening.

The culmination to all of this failure of happiness is pretty simple- unhappiness. I find myself witnessing people give up too easily, too often. Whether the situation is light-hearted or serious, I continuously see idiots give up too easily. Why? Because giving up easily is the easiest thing to do. I mean let’s face it, who would want to weld their own correct key into something other than their selfish, materialistic souls? Who would willingly be told that they’re dumbasses for trying to fit the correct idea into the incorrect situation? Who would want to stop the rush of failure?

Don’t be a dumbass. Change yourself. Make yourself happy. Without being happy, nobody has the right to give happiness because it is not truly their own. 

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