Thursday, February 27, 2014

Rules of my Life: Volume 1

I am often asked how I am always content and keep composure in my life, here are the keys... feel free to use them to unlock the locks to your life's doors:

1) Never make expectations for anyone or anything except for yourself.
2) I don't know how to chase, all I've learned is how to replace.
3) Get over your shit, people are going through/have gone through worse.
4) Grow a pair of balls- ladies, this is directed towards you.... ovaries are simply not enough in today's society.
5) Make flawless mistakes.
6) If you feel as though you have flaws, make it a goal to eliminate one flaw every day by showing off your flaw, making it your trademark- this allows for it to fade from a negative "flaw" to a positive "characterisitc."
7) Never ever EVER EVER say, "It's harder than it looks." The moment those words exit your mouth, you have just made whatever "it" may be, permanently more difficult than it ever could have been.
8) Speak only the bitter truth.
9) ACCEPT the bitter truth- I cannot stress this enough, people. Don't follow the previous rule if you cannot follow this one. To say true shit, you must accept true shit. (True story.)
10) Learn to start saying "yes" before immediately saying "no." I say "yes" before I can even give myself time to think about a reason to justify saying "no."
11) Prioritize between "wants" and "needs."
12) What even is "regret"? I wouldn't know... it doesn't make sense to "regret"... every single thing I do is something that I made the choice of doing, because I needed to do it at the time, how can I regret something I did myself?
13) Less thinking, more doing.
14) I am self-aware but it's difficult to figure me out, I dare you.
15) It's all about the vibes, all the time. Reading vibes has always gotten me farther than reading words has.
16) I'd rather have real haters than have fake fans.
17) Look beyond your eyes, open your mind to see the world.
18) Simplicity is bliss- the more simple your social life, professional life, love life, and family life, the better.
19) Less is always more.
20) It's okay to be selfless.
21) Stop complaining completely- it's a waste of energy, time, and thought.
22) Always be well-informed.
23) Never accept anything less than the best- from yourself.
24) The shorter the temper- the shorter the life.
25) Only keep one face, if you have multiple, then choose which damn one you want to be and throw the rest away.
26) I never take anything seriously, nor do I ever expect anyone else to take anything seriously.
27) Learn to blame yourself for everything before blaming anyone else. Think about it, there is no real "constitution" saying how we must live our lives. We are free to do whatever the hell we want, whenever the hell we desire to do it. There should be no excuse because essentially, every person makes their own rules for their own lives... what many seem to fail to see is that they blame other people for breaking the rules they have made and broken themselves.

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