Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Rules of my Life: Vol. 2

1) Do not have time to give a shit.  
2) Stop thinking twice, it's a waste of time.
3) Time is the most precious thing one has; every moment, every memory must last only within the minute it is created, reminiscing on the past is a waste of enjoying the present and fulfilling the future.
5) Get to the point where your mind is one step ahead of your soul.
6) Control is the key, deem it.
7) Good music= good day. Bad music= bad day. Simple.
8) Always have an intelligent opinion regarding relevant ideas, being neutral is in fact, considered "settling" and quite frankly, dumb.
9) Be witty.
10) Exceed expectations.... I mean your own, screw what everyone else expects.
11) I get more done when I put in less effort to get things done.
12) But if you have not listened to a full Michael Bublé or Frank Sinatra album, have you ever listened to good music?
13) Stop trying to figure out this never-ending mess of a world, let the mess unravel itself to you.
14) "Love is all that I can give to you"... And I don't even have that.
15) The creation will never match up to the creator.
16) Perfection does not make perfection. Mistakes make perfection.

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