Monday, July 28, 2014

The Plea, Please Listen

Is life worth the fight? To live?
In my honest opinion, unless the whole world is my friend, I do not think fighting to live a happy, blissful life is worth anything. I've always tried to be the best I could be.... Sometimes I end up taking long naps in hopes that I will not have to wake up.
Sometimes I think of how I could push myself to a limit that I would collapse. Unfortunately, I never succeed- I always end up waking from the naps or finding a better path. Even though most of those times, I don't need to nor do I want to.
All I want is for the world to become a happier place. 
If I could have one wish, it would be to allow the entire world's pain, burden, and agony become my own. That's it.
I feel as though I can mentally, emotionally, and physically handle the pain of the world- even if it means undergoing more pain than that of this so-called "Hell" itself. Just give me the pain and spare giving it to others. God, if you really do exist, never give me a wish- I don't need for my loved ones to see me in the pain I wish for as much as I want to absorb the pain of the world so that the world doesn't have to absorb pain.
I just need for the world to be a happier place. 
That's it. 

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