Monday, May 11, 2015

Everything is your fault

Sad? It's your fault.
Mad? It's your fault.
Happy? It's your fault.

These are the words and one of many mantras I chant on an everyday basis. It is not that these words give me power- it is that these words speak nothing but clear truth. Everything I do or feel is a reflection of me. I am the cause of my pain, my fury, and my joy.

I guess one could say, I am kind of in a relationship with myself. I have the power to keep myself overjoyed and blissful at all times simply by choosing the correct lens and perspective to see the world around me. At the same time, I have the power to corrupt myself with anger and sorrow. 

What is not needed, should not stay. And it is my job to get rid of it. Many people these days put a negative connotation to the words "get rid of"... But what if you're getting rid of cancerous cells? What if you're getting rid of what is holding you back? What if you are just simply trying to get rid of all the worthless junk which means absolutely nothing to you anymore, in order to create room for something that is worth storing forever?

I really want to have a huge library in my house someday. With all of my favorite stories and not-so-favorite stories from both my childhood and adolescence to my adulthood. It is sometimes important to show what your opinions and beliefs consist of. By keeping books I liked alongside keeping books I did not like, I can demonstrate that I have the power to throw any or all of it away at any time; just to buy more books, new books that I can read and grow a fondness for. 

Everything is my fault. And I have the power to get rid of whatever I do not need. 

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