Saturday, April 26, 2014


There are some thoughts that we all get but never feel like discussing or wanting to be brought up- thoughts that make us feel like we are having to choose between being accepted or not. My opinion on some of these thoughts as they have occurred in my mind-

1) Who will come to my funeral when I die? 
Well, let's see, it's not a matter of WHO will attend mine, honestly; it's a matter of IF ANYBODY will attend it. Personally, I cannot really say if I expect anyone to come- so far, I have made no major influence or impact on anyone's life. This of course, is susceptible to change and hopefully exponentially. Until then, I wish nobody attends my funeral- go do some charity work instead or something.

2) Why should I care about my appearance? Hm. Good question, I personally only care for my appearance because I have no choice but to wake up to it every morning... Might as well look decent.

3) Money makes the world go round?
Let's just say, even to grow your own food, you need to buy the seeds. Only thing that's free is love- and that's as rare as winning the lottery.

4) What enables me to attain bliss?

5) What enables me to attain sorrow?

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Little Black Crop Top

An essential piece of seasonal wear for spring/summer is a black crop top. This piece is so perfectly versatile and complementary to any body-type and can be worn at any time of the day (or night)... Simply by pairing the crop top with specific kinds of bottoms can totally alter the entire outfit. As pictured, any type of black crop top with any cut or material will do the job in creating a versatile wardrobe; with just the one crop top, one can create as many ensembles as they may please. 
How to accessorize to switch up the black crop top look according to the different types of aimed styles? Simple. Just by adding a bohemian-style necklace with a black crop top and a bright floral or any bright colored maxi skirt and some nude sandals will create a low-key hippie look.
Dress it up for the nighttime with a pair of black shorts and some strappy colored heels and a chunky statement necklace.
Here are some perfect accessories made for crop tops:

Spring: Splash of color

The spring look:

Crochet knit crop sweater
Colorful/floral/neon summer print
Green jeans
Black stud sandals
Black sunglasses 

The print/boldness of the bandeau can be seen through the cropped sweater; this creates a peak of color in the outfit- it's perfect for the windy days on the pier to sunny days in Cabo- an all-over versatile look that suits everyone.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Lose Yourself on Sundays

Spent the day at a quaint, comfortable coffee shop and enjoyed time to myself. As I lost myself in book of quotes, I found out so many new things about my soul. The soul needs a date with it's own mind every once in a while in order to grow a stronger connection and compatibility.  

Let me start with the ambiance: the music -
Second- the amazing quotes: 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Black Attack

           Black crop top- It can be found anywhere, in a variety of cuts and styles. The one featured in this ensemble is a Thornton Bregazzi Ted piece.
           Black sheer slit skirt- Same as the crop top, it can be found in a variety of places through varying prices. The one featured is one from
       GUESS Rose gold and black watch
   Bold gold single chain necklace- I would suggest checking H&M in-stores.

Weekly Replay- Music Picks

Lose your mind in good music. My go-to tracks for the week. 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Rotten Fruit

Rotten fruit is what I like to call people with no originality.
The most rotten fruit hang from the most popular trees.
I am allergic to rotten fruit dude, I keep my distance from it because my reaction to it is nothing- I just would rather not waste my brain's time regarding unoriginality.
To be unoriginal can mean many things- simply from following the same fashion trends as everyone else to designing the same look. In the end, nothing is based off an original, exquisite idea. With life, this concept of "rotten fruit" comes from the idea that many will try to do what others are doing/ have already done. I would rather be a deceased fruit so I could at least be buried as compost and help fertilize land than be a rotten fruit- pathetic, is what that is.
In the world we live in, there are two kinds of people- those that follow an those that lead. One cannot follow and lead, that just doesn't even make sense to work realistically. 
Rotten fruit are the ones which hang from the popular trees; the trees that everyone adores and likes and the trees that are in public parks- used by everyone for shade, spitting, carving lame notes into the bark, all that jazz.
To be a ripe fruit, it's rather simple. Do not hang from a popular tree. Take a risk, by being yourself and hang from a tree that nobody else can/will ever hang on. Then, that tree will not be in a public park, but in a private garden. 
Remember, there is only one of every kind of fruit in this world.
When you find yourself conforming to ideas/beliefs/styles/personalities of others, you're not losing anyone but yourself. When noticing that you are deliberately taking the original ideas/personalities of others, you become the rotten fruit. Learning to be an original, ripe fruit is difficult but just by not conforming to the ideas/personalities/styles of others will benefit in the long term. 

Happy Place- OOTD

                Crop top- Forever 21
        Sheer Maxi Skirt- Forever 21

Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Miracle Escape

Blue sheer top- H&M
Dark tan pants- Old Navy
Sandals- Bloomingdales 
Head piece- Custom 

Observing nature takes me to a whole new realm of happiness... the serenity and emptiness. Pure bliss dude. 

"If you believe in the miracle escape, then I believe we will never pass away..."
Wicksey Boxing by Bear Hands

The miracle escape is one of the greatest mysteries of all time. The miracle escape is unknown, it can't be studied because once someone undergoes the "miracle escape" then they don't come back. Does the "miracle" part of the escape even exist? Are the gates of heaven awaiting to greet us as we escape from the world? Is that where life truly begins?

I only know that the determinant of anyone's death is their life. How they've made their lives to be is how their souls will take their escapes. To be at peace while escaping, one must first live with peace and wellness of their mind and soul- like a synchronized symphony. Escaping with regret, the feeling of failure, discontentment, lack of something, too much of something- these are all things which ought to be avoided completely as anyone lives (those who are just existing, you all need to start living and then worry about what to avoid and such).

A perfect way to get rid of these hardships are to merely escape for a bit while living in the world itself- take an excursion by yourself- allow your soul to get lost and release all the thoughts, the worries, and the stress... soon you won't need to do this because you will become accustomed to just not carrying the energy that comes with stress and thoughts.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Guess what? Weak.

"Weak"- (n.) Something I don't associate myself with.

Weak is not a part of my vocabulary, I don't know the meaning of it nor do I know how to use it for myself. However, when observing others I notice it and I try to put a definition but nothing describes the quality of "weakness." 
Because "weak" is too obsurd and pathetic for me to grasp, here's a list of "weak" observations:
Trying to be like others/not being your own soul- guess what? Weak.
Instead of making one's own ideas, if a person is to take ideas already created- guess what? Weak.
Trying to follow instead of trying to lead- guess what? Weak.
Quitting while in progression (slow or fast) of doing something- guess what? Weak.
Giving up on anything, anything at all. Guess what? Weak.
When you see "the best" and say, "I want to be JUST like that!" Guess what? Weak.
Turning away from fear. Guess what? Weak.
Putting yourself down. Guess what? Weak.
Dying without succeeding. Guess what? Weak.
Adapting. Ha. Guess what? Weak.

All in all, there are millions of "weak." However, if any pertain to YOU- please grow strong. That's it. For you, not for anyone else. When you can say "nobody thinks like me or has done what I've done or will do what I will" is when you will earn your "strong" title.
Until then, guess what? Weak. 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Living Lesson

Live simple, Do extravagant 
The way people portray themselves is so important to both themselves, as well as people around them. The impact brought by vibes alone are immense on the environment created as a result of those vibes. Every situation in life is a "hit or miss," and believe it or not, the ability to hit and miss is all on an individual. Hitting is your choice and so is missing.
I personally choose to live simply and do extravagantly- meaning that I live low key and just do eventful extravagance.
By living low key, I am "off-radar" and not chasing anything that is being chased by others- I only chase what nobody has ever thought of/dreamed of chasing. This is perfect because the challenge is greater and the outcome is unknown. 
Realistically, what sense does it make to reach to the same level as someone else? That's like saying I want to invent the light bulb once again... What in the world does that even mean? It's not realistic to achieve the same goal made and achieved by others. Making goals that exceed above not only others' expectations- but more importantly- YOUR expectations is something to strive for. 
Live simple, do extravagant. Living like I have nothing and doing like everything is behind me- my life. Pure substance dude, unknown substance and just moving forward where everyone around me is striving things that have already been accomplished and left behind. Pure bliss.