Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Rotten Fruit

Rotten fruit is what I like to call people with no originality.
The most rotten fruit hang from the most popular trees.
I am allergic to rotten fruit dude, I keep my distance from it because my reaction to it is nothing- I just would rather not waste my brain's time regarding unoriginality.
To be unoriginal can mean many things- simply from following the same fashion trends as everyone else to designing the same look. In the end, nothing is based off an original, exquisite idea. With life, this concept of "rotten fruit" comes from the idea that many will try to do what others are doing/ have already done. I would rather be a deceased fruit so I could at least be buried as compost and help fertilize land than be a rotten fruit- pathetic, is what that is.
In the world we live in, there are two kinds of people- those that follow an those that lead. One cannot follow and lead, that just doesn't even make sense to work realistically. 
Rotten fruit are the ones which hang from the popular trees; the trees that everyone adores and likes and the trees that are in public parks- used by everyone for shade, spitting, carving lame notes into the bark, all that jazz.
To be a ripe fruit, it's rather simple. Do not hang from a popular tree. Take a risk, by being yourself and hang from a tree that nobody else can/will ever hang on. Then, that tree will not be in a public park, but in a private garden. 
Remember, there is only one of every kind of fruit in this world.
When you find yourself conforming to ideas/beliefs/styles/personalities of others, you're not losing anyone but yourself. When noticing that you are deliberately taking the original ideas/personalities of others, you become the rotten fruit. Learning to be an original, ripe fruit is difficult but just by not conforming to the ideas/personalities/styles of others will benefit in the long term. 

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