Wednesday, March 18, 2015

What Can They Do?

Haters can only bring success.

Success is passion- not desire.

Desire what you need to be happy.

Happiness comes when you make effort to attain it.

It is never acceptable to envy.

Envy leads to anger and an envious angry person will never prosper.

Prosper through the right thing and prosper through it the right way.

Way too many people speak without thinking or react without understanding.

Understanding through assumption will get nobody anywhere.

Anywhere you go, remember that to many, hypocrisy is the best policy; those people are too weak to do what they claim to believe and so they put on a persona that they are strong when clearly, they are cowards.

Cowards never prevail. They hate and intend to destroy and their purpose is always to exceed others because they are afraid of embracing failure and flaws.

Flaws make perfection.

Perfection comes by embracing flaws and having originality.

Originality comes from you being you.

You are a product of your reaction to haters.

Haters can only bring success. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Before Blame

Before blaming others, open your fucking eyes? In some cases, it is not even required to open one's mind. The solution is often times found in a mirror.

Before threatening to "fuck up someone's career", how about working towards your own? How about not being a hater and creating your own success? I cannot say this enough, all negative energy is created through one's OWN MIND; not your mother's, not your father's, not your partner's, YOURS.

How about being a lion and not losing sleep over the opinion of sheep? Keep this in mind at all time, folks. I will always think sheep are pathetic when I encounter. I will not even bother to try and play predator- even if I am hungry. I will just let it go because sheep will only listen to and worry about other sheep. Lions have more to be concerned with.

Before telling me not to do something, make sure that you know that I will always do the opposite of what I am told.

Fight your own battles like a lion and stop asking sheep to do the job. Because guess what? Weak.
And also guess what? You are the sheep. 

Are You What You Believe?

Those who make it seem like they are one thing turn out to be something completely different. Take a minute. Look at yourself. Think about what you represent. If the answer is anything besides yourself, that is a major problem. Stop hiding. Embrace your flaws. 

Do not feel down if someone says something to you directly. It's for you to take in and fix. If your reaction tends to be that of anger and emotion, that may be because you have not figured yourself yet. It is unfortunate, but sometimes a person will never find oneself and they will continue going along life thinking and acting as if they have so much self-knowledge. In these cases, I personally just let them go. Not because I am evil or arrogant or selfish- but because I simply cannot help anymore and I know that nobody can help these individuals. They must help themselves. Figure it out on their own. Others can only do so much for a person before they have to step up and go about figuring out their soul on their own. 

Some questions that I often find myself asking are:
1) What do other people think they are? As in, what status do they see themselves as?
2) Why do people say a preach a belief and then sin towards the same thing?
Don't preach and sin about your own beliefs. If you say "I believe in karma" and then use the word "hate" or wish poorly upon someone, what does that say about YOU? How are YOU the one who gets good out of this? Oh yeah, you do not. Simple. 
3) Why do people not make sense of everything they say?
If you heard yourself and you would not be able to make sense of what the fuck you were saying, how can you expect others to do so...?

Recently I have experienced loss and just utter failure. In the end, I know for a damn fact that loss is not my fault not my problem. The words chosen and the actions taken up to support those words/actions did not satisfy me or my soul. The reaction most definitely did not satisfy my beliefs- everything I had ever seen had been diminished. For that, I had to let go. 

Sunday, March 15, 2015


People are put in our lives for a season- when the season is over, it simply is done. A new season will come. The new season does not necessarily have to be a replacement- it can be a new chapter. 

It is so important to let things go, dude. So so important. LET THAT SHIT GO. It is not worth it to hang on to a rotten fruit. It is not worth it to feel sorry or sympathetic. I have learned to never sell myself short of people and of situations. Bigger and better things are always waiting and the reason why some believe that there is nothing better left to be discovered, it's because they have not let go of regrets and of people. 

Hate is a strong word, folks. I do everything in my power to avoid using the word "hate" towards anything living. Sure, I will sometimes slip and say "I hate those shoes" or something but those shoes are not living SOOO it doesn't really matter. 

The biggest flaw I have ever seen in human beings is that of being easily influenced. I feel as those human beings are most pathetic and are creating the most karma for themselves. Those humans are weak and just simply not  ready for bliss. They, themselves, have created false beliefs of something which has no proof or logic. I find it funny when people tend to "hate" on me. A "hater" is only a hater once they have told you that they hate you. Once a hater, always a hater. And I will never see them as anything else.

So long to seasons. They come and go. Just like people. We all need to just learn to let that shit go and move on.  
Tell yourself "is it really worth my soul's time to address this bullshit?" And with that, say goodnight and go into your dreams and follow them. Make them real. My love is work. It always has. Always will be. 

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Ode to the Oblivious Man

It's fucking mind blowing how stupid humans are. It never fails to amuse me how we make the same mistakes and do not learn from them, only to spit lies on social networks like "I learn from my life lessons" and all that bullshit. Ha. Most of the people I see or encounter tell me that they have changed their lives or that they have somehow "become a better person".

For example: I once met a girl who said she always used to tease people when she was a kid and she claimed to have learned her lesson later on in life when she was consistently taunted about her weight that she had gained. Now, she said, she tries to think about what impact her words would have on people. I asked her what she wants to do with her life. She said she wants to be a beauty pageant judge. 

Wow, I thought- your career demands you to judge people based on appearance, what lesson have you even learned? Certainly not a logical one. She was so passionate about what she wanted too, it was insane to see. So oblivious of the fact that she was committing the same crime for which she was punished and claimed she "learned her lesson". 

Often times we are so oblivious of things that we even forget what comes out of our mouth as it runs past our minds and straight out into open air where it then becomes a lie.
Don't lie to yourself. Think. Learn. Accept. THEN teach.