Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Are You What You Believe?

Those who make it seem like they are one thing turn out to be something completely different. Take a minute. Look at yourself. Think about what you represent. If the answer is anything besides yourself, that is a major problem. Stop hiding. Embrace your flaws. 

Do not feel down if someone says something to you directly. It's for you to take in and fix. If your reaction tends to be that of anger and emotion, that may be because you have not figured yourself yet. It is unfortunate, but sometimes a person will never find oneself and they will continue going along life thinking and acting as if they have so much self-knowledge. In these cases, I personally just let them go. Not because I am evil or arrogant or selfish- but because I simply cannot help anymore and I know that nobody can help these individuals. They must help themselves. Figure it out on their own. Others can only do so much for a person before they have to step up and go about figuring out their soul on their own. 

Some questions that I often find myself asking are:
1) What do other people think they are? As in, what status do they see themselves as?
2) Why do people say a preach a belief and then sin towards the same thing?
Don't preach and sin about your own beliefs. If you say "I believe in karma" and then use the word "hate" or wish poorly upon someone, what does that say about YOU? How are YOU the one who gets good out of this? Oh yeah, you do not. Simple. 
3) Why do people not make sense of everything they say?
If you heard yourself and you would not be able to make sense of what the fuck you were saying, how can you expect others to do so...?

Recently I have experienced loss and just utter failure. In the end, I know for a damn fact that loss is not my fault not my problem. The words chosen and the actions taken up to support those words/actions did not satisfy me or my soul. The reaction most definitely did not satisfy my beliefs- everything I had ever seen had been diminished. For that, I had to let go. 

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