Saturday, May 17, 2014

The Fools' Foolishness

It's one thing to know and another thing to think one knows. 
It's pretty difficult to be oblivious to the obvious, right? Ha. It's surprising how oblivious some soul's can actually be. Here's a list of what fools do (if any of the following seem like "not foolish" things to do, I would be more than happy to be proven wrong):
1) Fools try to figure out the entire world without figuring out themselves. How can one understand the world and how it works without understanding how they work?
2) Fools follow.
3) Fools know what they ought to do but they do not do it.
4) Fools think they are happy, when they know 100% that they are not.
4) Fools think.
5) Instead of solving a problem, fools just simply analyze it.
6) With the intent of assisting others, fools ruin/diminish themselves.
7) Fools claim to not regret, and then they regret that claim for it's falseness.
8) Let's just say, even some blind people notice more than fools do.
9) Fools make foolish choices and then learn zero lessons.
10) The ultimate "foolish quality" is that of not knowing enough and thinking they know more than enough.

Bottom line is, fools are fools and most fools will remain fools until they identitify themselves as fools and open their mind and soul to see the world, not their eyes and brain. The concept of the "soul" is far beneath the subconscious, it's the gateway to the unconscious. One must explore the outer problem first without trying to collect data for the inner problems which are not even comprehensible yet. 
How do I deal with fools? I usually don't, ha. I usually let people make their mistakes; however, when I actually make an effort of providing some guidance, most fools deny it and that is why fools' foolishness is not something I tend to keep. 

"A fool thinks himself to be a wise man, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool." - William Shakespeare

"By the time the fool has learned the game, the game is over." - Bhumika Joshi 

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