Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Rants on Rants on Rants

With graduation looming overhead, all I can think to myself is; the light is only as bright as I want it to be. Yes, it may seem as though I will be stuck on my own for a while; the perks to that itself, far out-weigh the cons. I have a one-track-mind for my future ahead and there is no other path in sight for me to even think about getting side-tracked. To those who do not have a particular goal or a plan to attain that goal by now- and back-ups for that goal AND plan- I will see a lot of you mis-spelling my name on Starbucks cups as you take my order... 
This is it dude. If I were completely lost at this point in my life, with no exact or real direction, I do not know how I would sustain a happy life. The word "happy" in my life comes from control- if I do not have that control over things- I will, in result, not be happy and therefore, not live happily.
Now, when I mention "control," I do not mean control of the events that happen on my life- that's all external bullshit which remains there in its place. 
When I mention "having control," I mean internal control- when one has internal control of their life, external control is not even necessary. It's rather simple; be your own drug. Make yourself happy and get addicted, it's okay. The reactions I have to external elements of life directly affect internal reactions- if I think of death as a saddening thing, I will be sad. If I think of the simplest and most natural things in the most positive ways, then I am able to gain control of mySELF. 
I never worry about other people or their emotions, it's all stuff that they are capable of having under control but choose not to- unhappy, angry, depressed, stressed, all of that negativity-filled jazz, has nothing to do with me. I can only show people how to do the right thing the right way, I cannot make them choose to do it like so. 

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